Peasing Allah

Invitation to Understanding Islam

"The greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah: that is the supreme success" [Refer to the Qur'aan 9:72]

This life is temporary, the Hereafter is everlasting.

The Believers supplicate to Allah to grand them the best in this life and the Hereafter. [Refer to the Qur'aan 2:201]

The Believers conduct themselves in ways that please Allah and hope for Paradise by His Mercy.

Pleasing Allah is the only right measure of all thought, speech and action.

"Surely, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds" [Refer to the Qur'aan 6:162]

The Believers begin all acts by saying, Bismillah ("in The name of Allah")

They also justify their actions as fisabilillah ("in the Cause of Allah")

When they help others in need they are only making known their intention to please Allah.

They do not satisfy the needs of others. Allah is the sole Sustainer of all needs.

The Believers spend in charity out of what Allah has provided for their sustenance [Refer to the Qur'aan 2:3]

What passed from them to another person was nothing more than handing over what Allah had decreed for the other person.

And if others don't appreciate, it doesn't matter. They didn't do it for them anyway. It was to please Allah.

Truly generous persons feed the hungry "Saying, We feed you for the sake of Allah Alone, we seek from you neither reward nor thanks." [Refer to the Qur'aan 76:9]

The Believers seek their reward from their Creator and Lord, not from others.

prophet noah (pbuh) told his people: "I do not ask you any wealth for this work, for none but Allah can reward me." [Refer to the Qur'aan 11:29]

We can't know whether our deeds please Allah because only He knows best. [Refer to the Qur'aan 17:25]

The Believers supplicate to Allah to accept the "good" in their deeds, forgive the "bad" in them and for guidance.

The prophet said: "The reward for deeds depends upon the intention and everyone will get the reward according to what he has intended." [Bukhari]

What intentions will Allah accept?
"Allah is pure and good, and He accepts only what is pure and good." [Muslim]

Intentions are good when they conform to what are premitted (halal) and prohibited (haram) in The Qur'aan and the Sunnah.

they are pure when the aim is solely to please Allah Most High.

Purity of intention (ikhlas un-niyyat) is a matter of the heart.

Only an intention from a heart purified of all things other than Allah will please Allah.                      

one achieves purity by purging the heart of the desire to please oneself and others.

Al junayd compared the effort to purify the heart to "a war in which there is no peace."

It is a war against the desire for fame, power and glory, and the pulls of greed, lust, jealousy and vengence.

It is a war against the enemy within us.

Allah knows what is in our hearts. [Refer to the Qur'aan 3:28]

Allah grants success and guidance to whom He chooses. [Refer to the Qur'aan 28:68]

Allah Most High promises that: "Those who strive in our cause, we guide them to Our ways." [Refer to the Qur'aan 29:69]

Attainnig Purity of intention is thus a gift from Allah.

We can and must prepare ourselves to be worthy of receiving this gift.

One who seeks to please Allah must be truthful in all matters.

"Allah does not guide one who is a liar and a disbeliever." [Refer to the Qur'aan 39:3, 2:264]

Islam clarifies and guides to the Truth.

The prophet said: "Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Heaven." [Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, tirmithi]

The seekers of Allah's pleasure must at all times be grateful as they are promised "abundance" for being grateful. [Refer to the Qur'aan 14:7]

The Prophet (Sal) said: "Allah is truly pleased with a servant eating a meal and thanking Him for it and having a drink and thanking Him for it." [Muslim]

Allah The Most Generous says that "if you want to count the favours of Allah, you will never be able to count them." [Refer to the Qur'aan 14:34]

Sari al-Sagati explained 'gratefulness' thus: "It is to NOT USE Allah 's favors for the purpose of disobeying Him."

Satan who seduces mankind to disobey Allah will in the end deny responsibility on the Day of Judgment:

"I had no power over you. I just invited you (to do evil by making it appear good), and you accepted my invitation. Now! Do not blame me, but blame yourselves. [Refer to the Qur'aan 14:22]

The best protection against the evill whispers of Satan is to seek refuge in Allah through constant remembrance of Him (dhikrullah).

"And had it not been for Allah's grace and mercy, none of you would have been purified of sins. Allah purifies whom He pleases. Allah is All Knowing and All Hearing." [Refer to the Qur'aan 24:21]

Let us be truthful, grateful and seek refuge in Allah. May He be pleased with us. Ameen



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