The Shariah

Divine System Of Morality And Justice.

In The Name Of Allah

The Intensely Merciful, Eternally Merciful

The Shariah Misunderstood

It is Propagated in Western Countries that the Shariah is a system of legal, political, military and religious laws that calls muslims to overthrow non-Mulim governments through brutal force, acts of terrorism, and "holy War" (jihaad) to establish itself as the sole Political and religious power in the world.

To say Muslim terrorists represent Islam

is like saying the ku klux klan represents Christianity.

But just as Christians don't Want to be judged by the beliefs and actions of extremists like the Ku Klux Klan or I.R.A.,

likewise, Muslims should not be judged by extremists in their midst nor characterizeden masse.

It is said that the shariah is barbaric, intolerant and unhust. It is also said the shariah cannot co-exist With civil laws and that it forces Muslims to reject the civil laws of the Country they live in.

Despite loud voices shouting that the shariah is a threat to Western secular societies, research shows that there is no evidence that islamic law is influencing courts in Non-Muslim countries [USA: ACLU, 2011]

The truth is that the Shariah law in secular countries must be seen in the same Way as the Jewish Halakah law and Catholic Conon, Which are both faith-based laws that exist side by side with civil law. However, Shariah covers all aspects of life.

Most of the shariah laws are not even applicable to non-Muslims!.

the fear for the Shariah and the stigma it creates, is divisve and potentiallydangerous to a society.

History has taught us What fear-mongering does to a civil society. The Nazis could not have succeded if they had not instituted an active campaign of instilling paranoia and provoking an intense hatred against minority groups in Germany. Do we really want to go down this route again?.

The shariah demands that Muslims follow the law of the land they live in. This commant is binding so long as they are not forced to commit forbidden or blasphemous acts or Prevented from fulfilling ther religious duties.

What is the shariah?

shariah literally means a "Path to water". the source of life and signifies the way to God (Allah) as given by him.

The Shariah is therefore the divinely ordainedmaway of life for mankind, a system ofmmorality and the best way to justice. the two primarysources of  the shariah  are the qur'aan (Allah words) and the Sunnah (the Prophet's  way of life)

Shariah Components
Ibadah acts of worship 70%
Personal, Family, Economic laws 25%. Penal laws 5%

The bulk of the Shariah (~70%)  deals with acts of submission to Purify the soul. It instructs You to:

Regularly take time out of the day to remember Allah consciously.

Dedicate a Precentage of Your savings to the Poor.

Fast a month every year to cultivate Patience, Piety and to feel unity with the less-fortunate.

Commemorate the faith of the Prophet, Ibrahim (Alai) (Abraham) (pbuh) by visiting the house of worship he built in Bakkah, Makkah, Mecca.

Approximately 25% of the Shariah deals:

(1) Personal laws (like un-/lawful food) For example just like the kosher law for jews, Muslims have their personal laws in the shariah that regulate the way animals should be slaughtered, with respect for their lives and feelings.

(2) Family law in the Shariah requires following legal rules when marrying or divorcing. For example, a husband is obliged to gift his Wife a dower at the time of marriage and an additional amount in the case of divorrce.

(3) An economic regulation is the prohibition of usury because it is unjust; it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.

it is true that some laws of the Shariah are intended for application at national level, and include penalties for crimes which are most destructive for society and the  family, like murder, adultery and theft.

These laws make up a portion of the remaining 5% of the Shariah . However, these laws are intended to be applied in a system where the government derives its rules from islam, it is subject to conditions, evidences and witnesses. implementation of Shariah law on non-Muslims is subject to the legal system of the land.

Some of these penalties are called hudud (boundaries, not punishments) becaus these are the results of crocing the boundaries set by the Creator. they have an educational, preventive and strong deterrent function; history has proven that it works.

Ther is no need to fear these laws, if one is a law-adiding citizen and not a criminal.

Since they are laid down by Allah, it is beyond hurman authority to reduce or supercede them out of a sense of mercy. there is no one more merciful, more wise and more just than Allah.

Why the World needs the Shariah?

In many societies the glorifcation of fornication, adultery, sodomite sex, alcohol, recreational drugs and gambling is visible. Hower the Shariah's key Principle is "Preventing harm and bringing welfare and benefit to People". it protects and defends the five basic necessary human rights: Faith, life, Progeny (honour), Property and intellect. Therefore the Shariah...

> Encourages Work and trade so that individuals are able to earn a living.

> Urges the pursuit of knowledge and education to ensure the intellectual growth and development of people.

> Prohibits adultery because it  violates the sanctity of the family unit.

> Prohibits alcohol consmption because it has the potential to impair one's intellectual capacity, leading to the abuse of other People's rights.

> The Shariah covers every aspect of life, ordained by Allah, The Almighty. Due to its divine origin it is considered timeless and Perfect, geared towards the success, justice, welfare and peace of humans in this world and in the hereafter. []

Allah knows best. by: mustafa kaleel raghuman.

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