Why do Muslims prayer?
Five times each day, they unplug from the world and connect with the Creator of all the worlds.
"o Believers! Bow and prostrate, and worship your Lord, and do good, so that you may be successful." [The Qur'aan Chpter 22, Verse 77]
Muslims Pray to obey Allah's command in The Qur'aan: "worship me, and establish the prayer for My remembrance." [[The Qur'aan Chpter 20, Verse 14]
Truly, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find peace." [13:28]
Connect, Surrender, Succeed.
The Islamic prayer is a gift from God (Allah) to the Believers who seek closeness to Him.
Prayer connects us directly with Allah, our Creator and sustainer, who alone is worthy of worship. It reminds us of our purpose in life, and accountability before Allah on the Day of Judgment in the Hereafter.
Allah says: "I have not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [51:56]
Prayer is the essence of worship, and the second of the five pillars of Islam.
Muslims pray in the manner Allah wants them. The prayer is divinely revealed: Allah taught prophet Muhammad (pbuh), through Angel Gabriel, how to pray, and told us to follow his example.
prayer is a blessing from Allah for our own spiritual, emotional, physical and health benefit.
Prayer is a blessing from Allah for our own spiritual, emotional, physical and health benefit.
prayer is holistic, uniting 5 aspects of our being: the body stands, bows, prostrates in humility. the heart fills with awe and love of Allah. the mind is conscious of Allah's Greatness. the tongue praises Him and recites verses from The Qur'aan, Allah's Final Revelation, and the soul satisfies its longing for its Master.
prayer shields us against evil. "Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds. [29:45] In prayer, we express our gratitude to Allah, and our dependence on Him and recites verses from The Qur'aan, Allah's Final Revelation, and the soul satisfies its longing for its Master.
Prayer shields us against evil. Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds." [29:45] In prayer, we express our gratitude to Allah, and our dependence on Him, the Source of everything. "seek Allah's help in patience and prayer." [The Qur'aan Chpter 2, Verse 153]
Prayer inculcates noble qualities, such as God - awareness, patience and humility, that help us lead a virtuous life, based on The Qur'aan.
Prayer Times And Place.
Allah says: "prayer is obligatory on the Believers at prescribed times." [The Qur'aan Chpter 4: Verse 103]
Although Muslims can pray at any time, they are obligated to perform five prayers daily at specified timea: dawn (before sunrice, Subuh), mid - day (Zohor), late after noon ('Asar), just after sunset (maghrib) and nightfall (Ishaa').
As these times mark transitions within the day, Muslims pray to remember the Creator Who regulates all affair on earth and in the heavens.
Devout Muslims also preform volunary prayers before and after the obligatory prayers. They organize their day around prayer times. The spacing of the five prayers from dawn till night leaves little Room for mischievous deeds!.
In Islam, the whole earth is a mosque.
Muslims may pray in mosques, homes, schools, workplaces, fields, airports, or any clean place. Obeying Allah's command in The Qur'aan, Muslims pray facing the directin of the Ka'bah, at Mecca (Makkah) in present-day Saudi Arabia.
The Ka'bah
First place of worship on earth. Symbol of "One Human Family Worshipping One God". Spirtual centre of Islam.
Never miss your prayers!. Allah, the All-Merciful, has placed flexibility and ease in the prayer to accommodate all situations. Connot stand, bow or prostrate? Pray seated on a chir, or lying down.
Do not know the direction of the ka'bah?. Make an intelligent guess. "Wherever you turn there is the Presence of Allah." [The Qur'aan Chpter 2. Verse 115]
No water? Perform dry ablution. Travelling? Shorten or combine prayers. Overslept or forgot? Make up the missed prayer. too busy? Make prayer your top priorty. Performing prayer is a Practial Proof of your Islam.
"Cleanliness is half of faith"
Ablution (wudhu') refers to the obligatory cleansing performed by Muslims when they present themselves in prayer before Allah.
Cleanliness of the body has a positive impact on the soul, heart, mind and tongue.
The body, clothing and place of prayer must be clean of impuritis such as blood, feces and urine. Also, the mind should be clear of evil thoughts, while the heart ought to be free of spiritual ailments such as pride, envy, greed and anger.
Muslims follow the wudhu' method of the prophet which is based on Allah's Revelation in The Qur'aan. prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was taught how to prefom wudhu' by Allah throgh Angel Gabriel.
Performing Ablution step by step.
1: Wash hands. 2: Clean mouth and nose. 3: Wash dace. 4: Wash arms. 5: Wipe head and ears. 6: Wash feer.
Wudhu' is begun saying "In the Name of Allah." On completion, they reaffirm the testimony of faith (shahaadah), and supplicate: "O Allah, make me of those who repent, and of the clean, and of Your righteous sarvants."
Wudhu' is a from of spiritual purification. The prophet said: "Each drop of water that falls from the body in wudhu' erases sin." [Ahmad]
The Prophet forbade wasting water during wudhu.' Islam stresses the conservation of water (and other resources) even if available in abundance.
*a saying of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The other half of faith is prayer.
"Come to Prayer, Come to Success!"
The time of prayer is annouced by a call (azan). The Islamic call to prayer is unique - it is an orel call with a message and was inspired by Allah in the time of prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Is His Perfect Wisdom, Allah taught us to use the most beautiful sound He has created - the human voice - when inviting the Believers to a private audiece with Him five times daily.
As the times of the five daily prayers from day to day, and from place to place, there is not a single moment on earth when the azan is not called. The end of azan in one place is the beginnig of azan elsewhere.
The azan is the world's only non-stop call.
It declares Allah's Greatness and the shahaah, and directs mankind to hadaten to worship Him. Thus, the azan is a constant reminder to lead an Allah-centred life as everything belongs to Him.
Traditionally, the azan is called from high minarets of mosques. Now it is usually made from a public address system in the prayer hall.
The words of the azan are in Arabic. The same call is made around the globe, making the azan easily recognizable anywhere.
The Meaning of the Azan: Allah is the Greatest (4 times), I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah (twice), I bear witness that Muhammad is the (final) Messenger of Allah (twice), Come to prayer (twice), Come to success (twice), Prayer is better than sleep (twice - dawn prayer only), Allah is the Greatest (twice), There is none worthy of worship except Allah (once).
The massage of the azan is cear: "If you want to succeed in this life and the Next - PRAY!"
Indeed, true success is salvation from Hell-fire, and eternal happiness in Pradise, in the Hereafter.
The muslim at Prayer
The prayer consists of 2, 3, or 4 cycles of a series of body postures performed with praise to Allah, supplication and recitation from The Qur'aan. In every prayer, the shahaadah is reaffirmed.
The prayer is a holistic from of worship where the body joint the soul, heart, mind and tongue in the praise and humble submission to Allah.
The faithful Believer, in prayer, is speaking Privately to his Creator. What does he say? He say the words Allah chose for him.
Below is abrif illustration of the mind prayer postures and the meaning in English of the Arabic words uttered. Postures 1-6 make up 1 cycle. Read More---
1} Start of Prayer: Surrender to Allah, "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest).
2} Standing: Always ready to obey Allah, Recutation of Surah Al-Fatihah (the first chapter of The Qur'aan)
(1) In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All - Compassionate.
(2) All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. (3) The All - Merciful, the All Compassionate. (4) Master of the Day of Judgment.
(5) Only You we worship and only from you we ask for help. (6) Guide us to the straight path. (7) The path of those upon whom you have bestowed favour, not of those who have earned (your) anger or of those who are astray.
3} Bowing Obey Allah's Commands: "Glory and Praise be to my Lord, the Magnificent"
4} Rising from Bowing: Praise Allah always, "Allah hears those who praise Him. O our Lord, to you is all Praise"
5} Prostration (Performed twice): Submit to Allah with deep humillity, "Glory and Praise be to my Lord, the most High"
6} Sitting between prostrations: Ask only from Allah, "o my Lord, forgive me and help me"
7} Witnessing: Reaffirm the Oneness of Allah and prophethood of muhammad (pbuh), "All greetings of humility, and all prayers and goodness are for Allah. Peace be upon you, O prophet (muhammad), and the Mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the righteous slaves of Allah.
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship excet Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the (Final) Messenger of Allah.*
"O Allah, bestow your Grace on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as you have bestowed your Grace on Ibrahim (Abraham) and on the family of Ibrahim.
o Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you have blessed Imrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious." *This statement is the Muslim's Testimony of Faith (Shahaadah).
8} End of Prayer: Attain Peace through submission to Allah, "Assalamu Alaikkum warahmatullah" (Peace be upon you and the Mercy of Allah).
After Prayer: Supplication, (may be said in own words and language), " o Allah, You are the God of Peace, and the Source of peace. To you shall return all Peacefulness.
Give us a peaceful life. Enter us into Pradise, the house of Peace. Our Lord, grant us the good in this world and the good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of Hellfire"
*prophet Muhammad (pbuh) often mode this supplication, and Muslims follow his example.
Connecting the Human Family
The prayer may be performed individually or as a family, or as a congregation, either privately or in public, preferably at a mosque.
Muslims pray directly to Allah, not through any intermediaries who include priests, saints and idols.
Prayer in Congregation
Worshipers follow behind a Prayer Ieader (imaam), in rows, shoulder to shoulder, with no distinctions based on race, colour or status.
Muslims all over the world perform the prayer in the same format, direction and Arabic language. This fosters equality and unity in diversity, and establishes a universal bond of brotherhood: "One Human Family Worshipping One God."
Congregational Prayer affirms Islam's universal call: 1- God Humanity Religine...
Friday Congregational prayer
Allah has appointed Friday as the best day of the week. However, Friday is not the "Islamic Subbath" (that is, a holy rest-day).
On Fridays, it is obeligatory on Muslim men (while optional for women) to perfom the mid-day prayer in congregation. A sermon is delivered, urging Muslims to lead a life of faith and good deeds in preparation for the Day of judgment. matters to improve the community are also addressed.
The prophet (pbuh) stressed the importance of prayer: "The first act the Believer will be accountable for on Judgment Day will be his prayer." [Tirmidhi]
Five times each day, they unplug from the world and connect with the Creator of all the worlds.
"o Believers! Bow and prostrate, and worship your Lord, and do good, so that you may be successful." [The Qur'aan Chpter 22, Verse 77]
Muslims Pray to obey Allah's command in The Qur'aan: "worship me, and establish the prayer for My remembrance." [[The Qur'aan Chpter 20, Verse 14]
Truly, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find peace." [13:28]
Connect, Surrender, Succeed.
The Islamic prayer is a gift from God (Allah) to the Believers who seek closeness to Him.
Prayer connects us directly with Allah, our Creator and sustainer, who alone is worthy of worship. It reminds us of our purpose in life, and accountability before Allah on the Day of Judgment in the Hereafter.
Allah says: "I have not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [51:56]
Prayer is the essence of worship, and the second of the five pillars of Islam.
Muslims pray in the manner Allah wants them. The prayer is divinely revealed: Allah taught prophet Muhammad (pbuh), through Angel Gabriel, how to pray, and told us to follow his example.
prayer is a blessing from Allah for our own spiritual, emotional, physical and health benefit.
Prayer is a blessing from Allah for our own spiritual, emotional, physical and health benefit.
prayer is holistic, uniting 5 aspects of our being: the body stands, bows, prostrates in humility. the heart fills with awe and love of Allah. the mind is conscious of Allah's Greatness. the tongue praises Him and recites verses from The Qur'aan, Allah's Final Revelation, and the soul satisfies its longing for its Master.
prayer shields us against evil. "Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds. [29:45] In prayer, we express our gratitude to Allah, and our dependence on Him and recites verses from The Qur'aan, Allah's Final Revelation, and the soul satisfies its longing for its Master.
Prayer shields us against evil. Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds." [29:45] In prayer, we express our gratitude to Allah, and our dependence on Him, the Source of everything. "seek Allah's help in patience and prayer." [The Qur'aan Chpter 2, Verse 153]
Prayer inculcates noble qualities, such as God - awareness, patience and humility, that help us lead a virtuous life, based on The Qur'aan.
Prayer Times And Place.
Allah says: "prayer is obligatory on the Believers at prescribed times." [The Qur'aan Chpter 4: Verse 103]
Although Muslims can pray at any time, they are obligated to perform five prayers daily at specified timea: dawn (before sunrice, Subuh), mid - day (Zohor), late after noon ('Asar), just after sunset (maghrib) and nightfall (Ishaa').
As these times mark transitions within the day, Muslims pray to remember the Creator Who regulates all affair on earth and in the heavens.
Devout Muslims also preform volunary prayers before and after the obligatory prayers. They organize their day around prayer times. The spacing of the five prayers from dawn till night leaves little Room for mischievous deeds!.
In Islam, the whole earth is a mosque.
Muslims may pray in mosques, homes, schools, workplaces, fields, airports, or any clean place. Obeying Allah's command in The Qur'aan, Muslims pray facing the directin of the Ka'bah, at Mecca (Makkah) in present-day Saudi Arabia.
The Ka'bah
First place of worship on earth. Symbol of "One Human Family Worshipping One God". Spirtual centre of Islam.
Never miss your prayers!. Allah, the All-Merciful, has placed flexibility and ease in the prayer to accommodate all situations. Connot stand, bow or prostrate? Pray seated on a chir, or lying down.
Do not know the direction of the ka'bah?. Make an intelligent guess. "Wherever you turn there is the Presence of Allah." [The Qur'aan Chpter 2. Verse 115]
No water? Perform dry ablution. Travelling? Shorten or combine prayers. Overslept or forgot? Make up the missed prayer. too busy? Make prayer your top priorty. Performing prayer is a Practial Proof of your Islam.
"Cleanliness is half of faith"
Ablution (wudhu') refers to the obligatory cleansing performed by Muslims when they present themselves in prayer before Allah.
Cleanliness of the body has a positive impact on the soul, heart, mind and tongue.
The body, clothing and place of prayer must be clean of impuritis such as blood, feces and urine. Also, the mind should be clear of evil thoughts, while the heart ought to be free of spiritual ailments such as pride, envy, greed and anger.
Muslims follow the wudhu' method of the prophet which is based on Allah's Revelation in The Qur'aan. prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was taught how to prefom wudhu' by Allah throgh Angel Gabriel.
Performing Ablution step by step.
1: Wash hands. 2: Clean mouth and nose. 3: Wash dace. 4: Wash arms. 5: Wipe head and ears. 6: Wash feer.
Wudhu' is begun saying "In the Name of Allah." On completion, they reaffirm the testimony of faith (shahaadah), and supplicate: "O Allah, make me of those who repent, and of the clean, and of Your righteous sarvants."
Wudhu' is a from of spiritual purification. The prophet said: "Each drop of water that falls from the body in wudhu' erases sin." [Ahmad]
The Prophet forbade wasting water during wudhu.' Islam stresses the conservation of water (and other resources) even if available in abundance.
*a saying of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The other half of faith is prayer.
"Come to Prayer, Come to Success!"
The time of prayer is annouced by a call (azan). The Islamic call to prayer is unique - it is an orel call with a message and was inspired by Allah in the time of prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Is His Perfect Wisdom, Allah taught us to use the most beautiful sound He has created - the human voice - when inviting the Believers to a private audiece with Him five times daily.
As the times of the five daily prayers from day to day, and from place to place, there is not a single moment on earth when the azan is not called. The end of azan in one place is the beginnig of azan elsewhere.
The azan is the world's only non-stop call.
It declares Allah's Greatness and the shahaah, and directs mankind to hadaten to worship Him. Thus, the azan is a constant reminder to lead an Allah-centred life as everything belongs to Him.
Traditionally, the azan is called from high minarets of mosques. Now it is usually made from a public address system in the prayer hall.
The words of the azan are in Arabic. The same call is made around the globe, making the azan easily recognizable anywhere.
The Meaning of the Azan: Allah is the Greatest (4 times), I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah (twice), I bear witness that Muhammad is the (final) Messenger of Allah (twice), Come to prayer (twice), Come to success (twice), Prayer is better than sleep (twice - dawn prayer only), Allah is the Greatest (twice), There is none worthy of worship except Allah (once).
The massage of the azan is cear: "If you want to succeed in this life and the Next - PRAY!"
Indeed, true success is salvation from Hell-fire, and eternal happiness in Pradise, in the Hereafter.
The muslim at Prayer
The prayer consists of 2, 3, or 4 cycles of a series of body postures performed with praise to Allah, supplication and recitation from The Qur'aan. In every prayer, the shahaadah is reaffirmed.
The prayer is a holistic from of worship where the body joint the soul, heart, mind and tongue in the praise and humble submission to Allah.
The faithful Believer, in prayer, is speaking Privately to his Creator. What does he say? He say the words Allah chose for him.
Below is abrif illustration of the mind prayer postures and the meaning in English of the Arabic words uttered. Postures 1-6 make up 1 cycle. Read More---
1} Start of Prayer: Surrender to Allah, "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest).
2} Standing: Always ready to obey Allah, Recutation of Surah Al-Fatihah (the first chapter of The Qur'aan)
(1) In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All - Compassionate.
(2) All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. (3) The All - Merciful, the All Compassionate. (4) Master of the Day of Judgment.
(5) Only You we worship and only from you we ask for help. (6) Guide us to the straight path. (7) The path of those upon whom you have bestowed favour, not of those who have earned (your) anger or of those who are astray.
3} Bowing Obey Allah's Commands: "Glory and Praise be to my Lord, the Magnificent"
4} Rising from Bowing: Praise Allah always, "Allah hears those who praise Him. O our Lord, to you is all Praise"
5} Prostration (Performed twice): Submit to Allah with deep humillity, "Glory and Praise be to my Lord, the most High"
6} Sitting between prostrations: Ask only from Allah, "o my Lord, forgive me and help me"
7} Witnessing: Reaffirm the Oneness of Allah and prophethood of muhammad (pbuh), "All greetings of humility, and all prayers and goodness are for Allah. Peace be upon you, O prophet (muhammad), and the Mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the righteous slaves of Allah.
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship excet Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the (Final) Messenger of Allah.*
"O Allah, bestow your Grace on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as you have bestowed your Grace on Ibrahim (Abraham) and on the family of Ibrahim.
o Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you have blessed Imrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious." *This statement is the Muslim's Testimony of Faith (Shahaadah).
8} End of Prayer: Attain Peace through submission to Allah, "Assalamu Alaikkum warahmatullah" (Peace be upon you and the Mercy of Allah).
After Prayer: Supplication, (may be said in own words and language), " o Allah, You are the God of Peace, and the Source of peace. To you shall return all Peacefulness.
Give us a peaceful life. Enter us into Pradise, the house of Peace. Our Lord, grant us the good in this world and the good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of Hellfire"
*prophet Muhammad (pbuh) often mode this supplication, and Muslims follow his example.
Connecting the Human Family
The prayer may be performed individually or as a family, or as a congregation, either privately or in public, preferably at a mosque.
Muslims pray directly to Allah, not through any intermediaries who include priests, saints and idols.
Prayer in Congregation
Worshipers follow behind a Prayer Ieader (imaam), in rows, shoulder to shoulder, with no distinctions based on race, colour or status.
Muslims all over the world perform the prayer in the same format, direction and Arabic language. This fosters equality and unity in diversity, and establishes a universal bond of brotherhood: "One Human Family Worshipping One God."
Congregational Prayer affirms Islam's universal call: 1- God Humanity Religine...
Friday Congregational prayer
Allah has appointed Friday as the best day of the week. However, Friday is not the "Islamic Subbath" (that is, a holy rest-day).
On Fridays, it is obeligatory on Muslim men (while optional for women) to perfom the mid-day prayer in congregation. A sermon is delivered, urging Muslims to lead a life of faith and good deeds in preparation for the Day of judgment. matters to improve the community are also addressed.
The prophet (pbuh) stressed the importance of prayer: "The first act the Believer will be accountable for on Judgment Day will be his prayer." [Tirmidhi]
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